What does a Constitutional TN Look Like?

#1A state that holds its federal government accountable for failing their duty in Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution which reads…The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republic Form of Government, and shall...

Why is Monica Irvine Challenging Becky Massey?

Becky Massey:Co-Sponsored SB0857—This bill would drastically expand abortions in TN by allowing innocent babies to be aborted when they were conceived in a “reported” case of rape. Monica will always vote to protect the unborn and women. Withheld Her Vote on SB1111...

Do you and I align?

You may have received a mailer from me this week.  I hope so!The front looked like this: Over the past 10 months, you have been telling me what is importantto you!Thank you!What is important to you, is important to me.I hope as you get to know me better, you will...

I support school choice, with protections in place

I Support Universal School Choice 100%, but it is ESSENTIAL that TN School Choice Legislation includes the following protections: No required state testing for Private Schools!  At the heart of school choice is the foundational belief that parents...

Why you must support & vote for Monica Irvine

Why Support and Elect Monica Irvine?This week, Rep Gloria Johnson sponsored House Bill 2603—exempting a person from being held criminally liable for performing an abortion depending on the age of the mother.  Rep Johnson continues to attempt to chip...
Parental authority

Parental authority

Do you believe that a healthcare provider should be allowed to give your child a vaccine without your knowledge or consent? I DO NOT! Whether that vaccine is a Covid vaccine, an HPV vaccine or even the flu vaccine, parents of course, should be the ones who give...
protect our families

protect our families

Spent a wonderful evening with “Her Plan” last night. This organization is bringing together organizations, churches, resources and people who have a heart for supporting women who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. Truly a beautiful thing....
Contact Monica Irvine (865) 850-2000info@monicairvine.com