Why you must support & vote for Monica Irvine

Why Support and Elect Monica Irvine?This week, Rep Gloria Johnson sponsored House Bill 2603—exempting a person from being held criminally liable for performing an abortion depending on the age of the mother.  Rep Johnson continues to attempt to chip...
Parental authority

Parental authority

Do you believe that a healthcare provider should be allowed to give your child a vaccine without your knowledge or consent? I DO NOT! Whether that vaccine is a Covid vaccine, an HPV vaccine or even the flu vaccine, parents of course, should be the ones who give...
protect our families

protect our families

Spent a wonderful evening with “Her Plan” last night. This organization is bringing together organizations, churches, resources and people who have a heart for supporting women who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. Truly a beautiful thing....
Contact Monica Irvine (865) 850-2000info@monicairvine.com