Feb 22, 2024 | Elect Monica Irvine
Why Support and Elect Monica Irvine?This week, Rep Gloria Johnson sponsored House Bill 2603—exempting a person from being held criminally liable for performing an abortion depending on the age of the mother. Rep Johnson continues to attempt to chip...
Feb 3, 2024 | Conservative Republican, Parental Authority
Do you believe that a healthcare provider should be allowed to give your child a vaccine without your knowledge or consent? I DO NOT! Whether that vaccine is a Covid vaccine, an HPV vaccine or even the flu vaccine, parents of course, should be the ones who give...
Feb 3, 2024 | Conservative Republican, ProLife
Spent a wonderful evening with “Her Plan” last night. This organization is bringing together organizations, churches, resources and people who have a heart for supporting women who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. Truly a beautiful thing....